It's taken me a long time but I've finally managed to get Dragon God converted, with images, and ready for release.
I had a lot of trouble getting the images to convert. I finally managed to get the map into the book, but the music still wouldn't show. In the end, I cut my losses. I've taken the music out of the book and will offer that separately on my website, as a publication celebration on 5 February, when the book is released.
I'm really excited about getting Dragon God out there. It begins with the crossing of the two moons at the end of Warrior Pledge, but most of the story takes place a few months after. We get to spend time with some of the people in Warrior Pledge (Fisher is the main character). You might not notice it, we also meet the main character for the next book in the series.
Dragon God is a fantasy story of taking responsibility for your life and making right the mistakes of your past.
Fisher has lived a life of hardship and horror and made many decisions that harmed others. He now has an opportunity for a new life, a new beginning, where he can live in harmony with the world and the people in it. When he discovers an elixir he helped create is killing innocent people, he knows his only way to freedom is to destroy the sources of the elixir. He must confront the circumstances of his childhood and his banishment from the city of his birth in order to prevent more deaths. Unfortunately, the destruction of his past lingers and everywhere Fisher goes fire and death follow. It takes an encounter with the Dragon King, who reveals Fisher’s true nature, and the love of a dragon god for Fisher to embrace who he truly is and begin to move forward.
As soon as I have a link for preorder, I'll add it here, and on other social media sites.
